Wracać wciąż do domu Le Guin
Zmierzch Bogów
Teksty :

Opeth - Prologue

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Teksty :

Opeth - Moonlapse Vertigo

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Teksty :

Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse

cross-bow : http://www.darkplanet.pl/modules.php?name=usergallery&op=browse_gall...
Teksty :

Opeth - Nectar

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Teksty :

Opeth - Patterns In The Ivy 2

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Teksty :

Opeth - Madrigal

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Teksty :

Opeth - Master 's Apprentices

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Teksty :

Opeth - Masters Apprentice

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Teksty :

Opeth - Masters Apprentices

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Teksty :

Opeth - In The Mist She Was Standing

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Teksty :

Opeth - Isolation Years

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Teksty :

Opeth - Karma

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Teksty :

Opeth - Hours of Wealth

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Teksty :

Opeth - In Mist She Stands Waiting

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Teksty :

Opeth - In Mist She Was Standing

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Teksty :

Opeth - In My Time Of Need

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Teksty :

Opeth - Godheads Lament

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Teksty :

Opeth - Harvest

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Teksty :

Opeth - Hope Leaves

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Teksty :

Opeth - Forest Of October

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