Zmierzch Bogów
Wracać wciąż do domu Le Guin
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Cure, The - The Walk

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Cure, The - The Same Deep Water As You

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Cure, The - The Snakepit

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Cure, The - The Lovecats

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Cure, The - The Perfect Girl

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Cure, The - The Promise

cross-bow : Zapraszamy do wzięcia udzialu w konkursie - 2 wejściówki czekają! h...
Teksty :

Cure, The - The Kiss

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Cure, The - The Last Day Of Summer

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Cure, The - The Loudest Sound

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Cure, The - The Funeral Party

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Cure, The - The Hanging Garden

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Cure, The - The Holy Hour

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Cure, The - The End of the World

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Cure, The - The Exploding Boy

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Cure, The - The Figurehead

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Cure, The - The Empty World

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Cure, The - The Caterpillar (Flicker Mix)

Arha : Najbardziej się czepiałam, że was nie było i się na mnie zemściło....
Faust66 : powodu wypadku samochodowego gitarzysty, koncert Prophetic Dream zostal...
minawi : nie no.....grrrr akurat ja jadę i odwołali, nie no FOCH po prostu :evil: ale i tak...
Teksty :

Cure, The - The Dream

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Cure, The - The Drowning Man

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Cure, The - The Big Hand(play Out Vers.)

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