Zmierzch Bogów
Wracać wciąż do domu Le Guin
Teksty :

Devil Doll - Sacrilegium

Prpfanatio omnium quae deo
Vel sanctis propositis consecrantur

For long endless millions of instants
I drank at the goblet of illusion
Tilling tumours and follies
Desperately wandering
Through the dark tunnels
Of the bone box
Then, submitting
I chose to drown
In the ashes of my dreams
When purity is raped
Three days are not enough
To resurrect:
Leprosy spreads out
The light of the eyes
Is extinguished
Thunders now shatter
The eardrums
The scream is:
rndhcs : Wszystko wskazuje na to ze ja tez :)
soundcliniqum : bilety w cenie 40 pln wkrótce pojawią się w sieci oraz współp...
soundcliniqum : do skladu dochodzi Pseudokrupp Project (DE)
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