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Zmierzch Bogów
Teksty :

Darkwell - Darkwell - The Salvation

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Darkwell-Armageddon

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Darkwell-Realm Of Darkness

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Darkwell The Salvation

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Darkwell - Armageddon

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Darkwell - Realm Of Darkness

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Darkwell - The Beginning

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Darkwell Armageddon

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Darkwell Realm Of Darkness

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Darkwell The Beginning

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Blackheart

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Conflict Of Interest

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Crucible

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Teksty :

Darkwell - Armageddon

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Encyklopedia :


Darkwell was born early 1999, with the aim and motivation to create alive and profound Gothic Metal. All the bandmembers are expirienced musicians. They know well how to inspire liveliness in their music, resulting in strong compositions and mature arrangements.
1999 DARKWELL signed a record-deal with the austrian label Napalm Records, and in march 2000 they started the recordings of their debut “Suspiria”. They coupled fragile and though powerful female vocals with pounding guitarrs and pushing baselines. Shortly after entering the studio the five went on tour with labal-colleagues Tristania and The Sins of Thy Beloved. This tour was crowned with success: They got booked for the Wave Gothic Meeting even before releasing their first record, followed by many shows and a tour with Graveworm and Vintersorg.
Morgana : W sumie nic takiego, ale i tak zostawię to dla siebie. ;) W każdym razie była...
Little_China_Girl : Było wspaniale! Spodziewałam się świetnego koncertu, ale to przeszł...
Morgana : Było wspaniale! Spodziewałam się świetnego koncertu, ale to przeszł...
Recenzje :

Darkwell - Metat[r]on

Nastają ciemne czasy, coraz więcej zespolików robi się na Nightwish, coraz więcej, niestety, robi się papka.... Robi się straszliwa breja, mało kto umie dobrze grać  tzw. gothic metal, Darkwell niestety do tej grupy się nie zalicza, do bólu schematyczny, do bólu nudny, do bólu sprawiający ból.
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